Words about worlds

Report from Metatopia

So, a few weeks ago, when it became clear that our family member was going to be fine, we gained back some emotional energy, and we gained back some time. This led us to decide, at just about the last minute, to go to Metatopia with some of our games. Getting there...

Content needed

So, there I was, engaged in an epic struggle in communication—in other words, my husband and I were trying to set up the blog portion of this website. We finally got to stage 2: slightly fancier than a single post. And he says, “Put up a second post.” Uh-huh. Go...

Games for the gloaming

As the nights grow longer, I find myself thinking about games that are best played in the dark. Outdoor games like hide-and-seek and kick the can took on a special zest when the sun went down. Frisbee goes from tame to reckless when you can barely see the disc. I have...

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