Report from Metatopia

So, a few weeks ago, when it became clear that our family member was going to be fine, we gained back some emotional energy, and we gained back some time. This led us to decide, at just about the last minute, to go to Metatopia with some of our games. Getting there...

The story so far…

Where have we been? Following the raven. The Unseelie Saga cover art by Teresa Guido That is absolutely true.  But it’s not the whole story. We have been following the raven. Creating The Unseelie Saga was a fabulous experience requiring a lot of time and...

The State of the Game

Image © Heather Osborne Our worldbuilding series took a brief, unscheduled pause last week as we focused on editing a video for our upcoming Kickstarter. Sign up to be notified when it launches here! Since we already interrupted ourselves, we decided to talk a little...

Embrace Awkward

Modern American society (and others but I’ll stick to the waters I’m swimming in at the moment) makes it hard to be awkward. Growth and exploration include making mistakes. If you knew all the answers, if you had already felt all those emotions and knew all the “best”...

Tea and chat; or, the social media tangle

An active social media presence is considered a business requisite—and don’t you wonder how it got that way? Leaving that aside for just a second, watching thoughtful friends and acquaintances negotiate the hazards of social media has broadened and deepened my...

Content needed

So, there I was, engaged in an epic struggle in communication—in other words, my husband and I were trying to set up the blog portion of this website. We finally got to stage 2: slightly fancier than a single post. And he says, “Put up a second post.” Uh-huh. Go...